Remix Conf Recap

Remix Conf Recap

Remix Conf logo on a black background with dimmed lighting.

That’s a wrap for Remix Conf 2022! A big shout out to everyone who attended the conference, spoke at the conference, planned the conference, filmed the conference, or had anything else to do with the conference whatsoever. It was a huge success!


Photograph of the workshop with Ryan leading

The Remix workshop was a huge hit! Kent and Ryan combined forces and taught 80 people (87 more were on the waitlist). The workshop material is now available on Github. It’s set up to be fairly self-paced, so if you weren’t at the workshop take a look. More on this soon…

Check out the workshop material on Github →


Title slides for 15+ speakers at Remix Conf 2022.

The speakers were phenomenal, each showcasing how to build better websites. The lineup:

The backup speakers were phenomenal as well:

There’s the live stream too if you feel so inclined. (The live stream has the closed-captions burned-in and we'll get official closed captions on the individual videos as soon as possible.)

A big THANK YOU goes out to all the speakers 👏

B-Side Talks

Screenshots of various talks from the Remix B-Sides playlist.

There were lots of incredible talks submitted for Remix Conf from people in the community but we couldn’t fit them all into our one-day conference track. So, we put them into a collection on YouTube and dubbed them the B-side talks.

JS Party Live

Podcast artwork for JS Party

Ali & Divya recorded live conversations on-stage with several different folks at Remix Conf including Henri Helvetica, Arisa Fukuzaki, Anthony Frehner, Emily Kauffman, Aaron Saunders, and more.

Listen to the podcast →

Live Tweets

Graphic of the twitter logo, a heart, and the remix logo.

Folks were on Twitter posting their reactions to the conference as it happened using #remixConf:

Paul Heggeseth (@paulheggeseth)
Congrats to @kentcdodds, @ryanflorence, and the rest of the @remix_run team for a great workshop and #RemixConf! Our group from @LaunchDarkly really enjoyed it! Hope you all took the rest of the week off!

Levvi Puot Paul (@levippaul)
Thank you @remix_run team and all the other folks involved to make the #RemixConf happen.

It was a great event and an awesome experience. I leave excited about the web.

Ryan Yogan (@ryanyogan)
#RemixConf Just blew my mind… this library is too much fun to use, I can’t believe a year ago I said “ugh, another one?!”

Felipe Freitag (@felipefreitag2)
In-person events can have such great energy! I had completely forgotten that. That's not a given, we need work and effort to build welcoming spaces. In my opinion, the #RemixConf team nailed it.

John Lindquist (@johnlindquist)
My big takeaway from #RemixConf is that our communities are full of wonderful people.

Over the past couple years of isolation, horrific events, and "online everything", I had forgotten just how good so many people are. ❤️

Attendee Reflections

Screenshots of different online reflections to Remix Conf.

People are following up online with their reflections and takeaways from the conference:

Drew Lytle writes “5 Big Takeaways from Remix Conf:

It didn’t feel like I was surrounded by Remix stans – it felt like I was surrounded by seasoned engineers who think deeply about what’s best for their users.

Sarah Dayan creates a Twitter thread of reflections from the conference

Beyond the great APIs and focus on user performance, I’m into the philosophy and vision of @remix_run.

It is a true web framework, not only a tool for building React sites. Beyond abstracting the pain away and accelerating development, it’s an educational piece of software.

Sébastien Morel documents his day-to-day experience at Remix Conf:

Remix crew was awesome but every single person I met was really friendly, listening, motivated and motivating! I mean it might be a post-covid conference effect, or really the Remix community is great, I would vouch for the second option.

If you have your own writeup of the conference, let us know on Twitter.


A collage of photographs from Remix Conference highlighting individual speakers on stage, the conference venue filled with people, and after-conference activities like karaoke and riding a one-wheel.

A raw dump of photos from the conference is now available online. Take a look and grab any photos you like — maybe there’s one in there of a coworker, a friend, or of you!

Conference photos in Google Drive →

Remix Conf 2023

Graphic of Remix Conf 2023 with the most recent year ('2' in '2022') fading away while the next year ('3' in '2023') is highlighted and fading in.

This year’s conference may be over, but next year’s conference is only beginning! There will be workshops, two days of single-track talks, food, parties, activites, and more. If you’re interested in attending or sponsoring the event, please check it out. Tickets are at a 30% discount right now!

Remix Conf 2023 →


Build better websites with Remix and React Router. Remix brings the state of the art in web development without leaving behind the fundamentals. Subscribe to stay up to date on all things Remix.

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