Remix Newsletter #20


Remix Newsletter #20

Last month, we announced our plans for React Router v7, an update that will pave the way for millions of React Router and Remix projects to adopt React Server Components, Server Actions, and a ton of other cool features. We also shipped some type improvements for Single fetch and other bug fixes since our last newsletter. Finally, we have a fresh Remix community resource to highlight, as well as some PRs and meetups worth checking out.


Let's dive in πŸ’Ώ


Bringing the Best of Remix to React Router


Last month, we had the privilege of being the Diamond Sponsors of React Conf. We had a ton of fun meeting and spending time with members of the React community, hearing what people like about Remix and how they're using it to build better websites.


We were also able to announce at React Conf our plans to bring the best of Remix to React Router (again) by merging the two projects. We are heads down working on React Router v7, which is going to include the Vite plugin that powers Remix, as well as a number of new features not in Remix today:


  • React Server Components (RSC)
  • Server Actions
  • Static pre-rendering
  • Enhanced Type Safety across the board


We have been researching and experimenting with a version of Remix built from the ground up with RSC, and we're excited to tell you more about this project in the future. If you want to learn more, we strongly recommend watching Ryan's talk explaining the history of React Router and Remix, and why we're merging the two. We also wrote a blog post addressing many of the questions we heard from the community following our announcement, such as "What Does This Mean for Remix and React Router?" and "What Should I Use Today?"


Remix v2.9.1 & v2.9.2

Even though we've been very focused on getting React Router v7 out, we're still shipping improvements to the current versions of Remix and React Router.


Most notably, we introduced some new functions to assist with type inference when using Single Fetch (enabled via the future.unstable_singleFetch flag) β€” defineLoader/defineAction and their client-side counterparts defineClientLoader and defineClientAction.



We also shipped several improvements and bug fixes to the Vite plugin.


​Check out the full Release Notes ↗​

Remix SaaS


Our featured Remix Resource of the month is Remix SaaS, by Daniel Kanem.


Remix SaaS is a production-ready Stack that comes pre-configured with Stripe, Resend, shadcn, and much more. Remix SaaS is built for developers who want to launch real applications quickly.


​Explore Remix SaaS Now ↗​

Fresh Code

With the merge of Remix into React Router we're going to adding a few new features. Here are a few PRs worth checking out. If you want to know more, you can tune into our Roadmap Planning livestream (June 4th).



​Join our Roadmap Planning Tue, June 4th ↗​

Connect at a Remix Meetup

Remix Meetups are run voluntarily by members of the community all around the globe with in-person and online options. These meetups feature local speakers, hackathons, workshops, and more! Find a meetup near you:



No meetups near you? Reach out to Brooks (our Developer Relations Manager) if you are interested in starting your own meetup.


That's all for this month! Stay tuned as we get closer to shipping some pre-releases for React Router v7. As always, you can find us and the Remix community on Discord.


- The Remix Team

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Build better websites with Remix and React Router. Remix brings the state of the art in web development without leaving behind the fundamentals. Subscribe to stay up to date on all things Remix.

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